The ECSRA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - February 2023 The Earl’s Court Square RA Annual General Meeting was held at the St Cuthbert with St Matthias school on the 23rd February 2023, followed by a canapés and wine reception when residents were able to mingle and meet Felicity Buchan MP for Kensington – our guest speaker.... Read more »
The Lighting of the Christmas Tree Dec 2022. Tis Christmas and in the Square, no child was a sleeping, just totally aware. The sweets on the tree, so tantalising a fare, were watched like a hawk for the lights to appear. Preparation was done, tents, mince pies, hot drinks, mulled wine. The tree being centre... Read more »
  Our annual themed Members evening this year was to bring the spirit of OktoberFest for all ECSRA Members. The wonderfully accommodating BOTTLERY BAR & GRILL, have their old chef back and he prepared and displayed the food treats beautifully with appeal. Team Committee put up the German flags, blew up balloons adding to the... Read more »
The Annual BBQ With some relief we were able to hold our annual BBQ for the first time in three years on Saturday the 9th July as the BBQ is the the main fundraiser for ECSRA. Jerry Shillingford (a one-time resident in the Square) was our wonderful DJ for the evening, providing the entertainment and... Read more »
2022  The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations For the 5th June celebrations, bunting went up around the Square, gazeboes positioned, tea and soft drinks set up in preparation to celebrate the wonderful milestone Her Majesty has reached. Both Committee’s - the Earl’s Court Square Residents’ Association Committee (ECSRA) and the EC Garden Square Sub-Committee - joined... Read more »
ECSRA AGM 2022 On February 22, some 40 neighbours gathered Upstairs at the Bolton Pub to hear an update from the ECSRA Chairman, Chrissie Courtney, and Hon. Treasurer, Alex Tullett. The annual Magazine promoted the occasion three weeks’ beforehand and posters were erected around the Square to advertise the event. Having received the Chairman’s Report... Read more »
Lighting the Christmas Tree 2021 has been an amazing year when the spirit of Christmas flowed around Earl’s Court Square for our annual “Lighting of the Christmas Tree” on the 12 December - a joint venture with the Garden Sub-Committee - which is also open to all our residents. The community made a magnificent contribution of £755 to... Read more »
 A CELEBRATION TO HONOUR FOUR EXTRAORDINARY INDIVIDUALS On a sunny September afternoon in Earl’s Court Square, late summer flowers in bloom, gazebos festooned with Union flags, families, friends and neighbours of four important local residents gathered to celebrate their contribution to the community. The event marked the placing of four commemorative plaques on the properties... Read more »
We thought it would be nice if we broke with tradition this year and ran the lighting as a joint event with the Garden Management Sub-Committee since it would be a different event to our usual ECSRA mulled wine and mince pies evening. The show went on, albeit with only the singers and a few... Read more »
ECSRA AGM 2020 ECSRA’s AGM was held on Monday 2 March at 18:30 at The Children’s Centre of St Cuthbert and St Matthias School in Earl’s Court Square.  The Chairman and Hon Treasurer presented their Annual Reports. All three Ward Councillors (Cllr Malcolm Spalding, Cllr Linda Wade and Cllr Hamish Adourian) were able to join residents... Read more »
“Cometh the hour, cometh the woman”. Thursday 5th December witnessed the biggest erection seen in Earl’s Court Square for some time. The Christmas tree arrived just after nine o’clock, and six nervous males were loitering, having volunteered to get it up.  It took all our strength to get it out of the lorry, and carry it... Read more »
  An ECSRA Members only event that was held at the Steak & Oyster Bar. This years theme was ‘A night in Nashville’. The ‘themed’ ECSRA Members only event that was held at the Steak & Oyster Bar was ‘A Night in Nashville’. The September evening weather was suspect to hold it in the Square,... Read more »
The ECSRA biggest event each year in the summer for Earl’s Court Square residents. People bring their own food to BBQ on the grills provided, and get together with neighbours and friends. We invited our Earl’s Court dedicated police team to meet the children. Our ‘bring your own’ summer BBQ had excellent attendance in June.... Read more »
ECSRA’s AGM was held on Wednesday 27 February at 8pm at The Gojk Restaurant, 275 Old Brompton Road.  Residents were welcomed with a complimentary glass of prosecco after which the Chairman and Hon Treasurer presented their annual reports. Unfortunately, Cllr Spalding and Cllr Wade were unable to attend, due to a last minute clash of meetings, but we... Read more »
Earl’s Court Square Christmas Carol Service-The Warm Voices and Warm Hearts of a Christmas Community At song On a cold and frosty evening, in the bleak midwinter, not quite next to a lonely cattle shed but in the far more attractive and convivial surroundings of the lovely Earl’s Court Square, stood a Christmas gathering of... Read more »
Any excuse to meet up with our neighbours and have a glass or two! So, this year’s themed Greek evening in the garden of Earl’s Court Square on the 8th of September, was a perfect opportunity. Andrew mixed ouzo cocktails and Maria (ECSRA’s Membership Secretary) provided an array of delicious and authentic Greek canapés -... Read more »
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Members requested ECSRA started their BBQ at 5pm to allow young families to join in the fun and, we are pleased to report that this earlier start will continue.  Last year’s DJ Infinity (back by popular request) arrived at 7pm and soon got all ages up disco dancing until 11pm. (Under the terms of our TENS... Read more »
ECSRA was back at Flora Indica, 242 Old Brompton Road for their 2018 AGM.  The Hon. Treasurer, Alex Tullett, chaired the meeting and read out the Chairman’s and Hon. Treasurer’s Annual Reports. The special Guest Speaker, Nigel Thorne (Project Manager for the Brompton Cemetery Restoration Project) brought everyone up to date with a presentation of... Read more »
A TASTE OF ITALY          An evening for members only   Members were invited to a “Taste of Italy” evening in Earl’s Court Square Gardens on Thursday 14 September from 18:30 – 20:30.The marquee was erected by a team of helpers and festooned with fairy lights by Andrew.  Mariaclara who is particularly to be congratulated,... Read more »
Enjoying the Annual Summer BBQ The Annual July BBQ, blessed with no trace of rain, enticed out a record number of residents and friends gathering to fill the air with meaty and sausage smells: OK there was veg too! People do excel themselves with their picnics, and the music and dancing made for a lovely... Read more »
The ECSRA Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday 23 February 2017 at 8.00 pm at Flora Indica Bar, 242 Old Brompton Road. All residents were welcome. The Chairman and Hon. Treasurer gave their annual reports and the special guest speakers were Caroline Tod Richardson and Toby Brown, Producers of The Earl’s Court Film Festival.... Read more »
EARL'S COURT SQUARE RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION – MEMBERS’ ONLY SPANISH EVENING Members were invited to a Spanish themed evening and we were delighted that our local MP, Victoria Borwick, joined us. There was a busy band of volunteers that had fun making a magnificent array of tapas earlier in the day. Course liver pate with sugared peanuts, Tortilla’s... Read more »
  Our annual summer BBQ from in the Garden Square, with kind permission from the Garden Sub- Committee, is typically early July before the schools break up. We always keep our fingers crossed for good weather, but rain forecasts are so much more accurate than they used to be. ECSRA committee put up lights and... Read more »
ECSRA  CELEBRATES THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY IN THE POETS HOUSE   The Poets House, 21 Earl's Court Square, was the scene of one of the most impressive parties held in Earl's Court Square - to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Residents Association.  The events was kindly hosted once more by Jakob and Tina Stott -... Read more »
 A CELEBRATORY EVENING at the POETS HOUSE The Rt. Hon. Sir Michael Rifkind QC MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Work & Pensions and for Welfare Reform,  joined us at the Poets House at 21 Earl's Court Square on Wednesday 12th October 2005.  As our local MP, he came to talk informally, answer questions and draw the... Read more »
The Rt. Hon. Michael Portillo MP joins us for An evening at the Poets’ House, 21 Earl’s Court Square (By kind permission of Jacob & Tina Stott) Tuesday the 14th October 2003 at 7.00 pm   He came, he saw, he conquered, he resigned ! Your committee had wrestled manfully with the problem of how... Read more »