The Lighting of the Christmas Tree Dec 2022.

Tis Christmas and in the Square, no child was a sleeping, just totally aware.
The sweets on the tree, so tantalising a fare, were watched like a hawk for the lights to appear.
Preparation was done, tents, mince pies, hot drinks, mulled wine. The tree being centre stage.
Committees on standby for pleasing!
The day hadn’t set at 4pm, but hot on the heals as people came in.
The Oom-pah band settled under their cover, Cold as ice, but the mulled wine was nice.
The lights came on to fanfare, the scramble for goodies erupted, neighbours happily chatted, connecting old and new.
The band gave their best but the cold did suggest, an earlier close be proposed.
These are happy times for all to share, with committees joined to foster care.
Community being a wonderful gift, our thanks to all with friendship and smiles to give us all a lift.
A hearty Christmas to all!