ECSRA’s main focus, during 2018, has been on persuading the Council to strengthen their planning and refuse enforcement procedures as we feel prosecutions would act as a deterrent. The “hotspot” outside 1 Earl’s Court Square has improved due to ECSRA lobbying for the provision of an on site bin area.
Other issues which we have tackled during the past year are:
1) BT’s new InLink telephone panels (with illuminated advertisements) are replacing the old dirty and un-maintained BT telephone boxes in Earl’s Court. BT has to replace 2 old BT boxes with 1 InLink panel.
2) The location of the cycle lanes in Earl’s Court Square, which residents feel are dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists, is another cause for concern and we will keep lobbying RBKC and TfL for improvements.
3) Crime: The Metropolitan Police have expressed concerns that tourists to the area have been targeted during the summer by confidence tricksters with money and passports taken. So the Earl’s Court Safer Neighbourhood Team Ward Panel’s priorities are: 1) drug related crime 2) anti-social behaviour including begging 3) burglary and robberies and 4) motor vehicle crime.
Some of the events we have hosted this year:
1) ECSRA returned to Flora Indica, 242 Old Brompton Road for their 2018 AGM with Guest Speaker, Nigel Thorne - Project Manager for the Brompton Cemetery Restoration Project. His presentation of this fascinating £6+ million project was followed by a reception with wine and canapés.
2) Members requested an early start to ECSRA’s BBQ this year to allow young families to join in the fun and, we’re pleased to report, a 5pm start will continue. DJ Infinity- back by popular request - arrived at 7pm. and ECSRA provided the communal BBQs and hosted a table so no residents were lonely.
3) A “Greek in the Square” Members’ evening was held in Earl’s Court Square Gardens last September with mixed ouzo cocktails and an array of delicious and authentic Greek canapés. Music was provided by The London Bouzouki Player kindly sponsored by John D Wood.
4) The year ended with the “Lighting of the Christmas Tree” with mulled wine, mince pies,cookies and canapés. Carols were sung by “Live to Sing, Sing to Live” and our gold and silver lit tree was festooned with chocolates for the children.
After much discussion, we have decided to increase our membership subscriptions to £8 for individuals and £12 for household/family to cover expenses.
We do hope you will continue to support the energetic team of volunteers on the ECSRA Executive Committee who work hard to ensure that Earl’s Court Square remains a great place to live.