ECSRA-newsletter-jan-2016-LR-1The Chairman’s Message thanked Heidi Bradner for her hard work on the continuous monitoring of rubbish in the Square with her team of local volunteers. Her efforts lead to a prize for ECSRA.  A cheque for £2,500 from Western Riverside Waste Authority/RBKC in their Golden Ticket ‘Recycle Right’ prize draw for organisations and community Groups. Useful tips are on page 14 in the newsletter.

Our speaker at the AGM was Karen Crozier. RBKC’s Senior Contracts and Environment Officer.

The plan for a new ECSRA web site was announced to give more detailed information about the activities of our Association, its history and its events.

Members of the committee joined the Earl’s Court Square Conservation Area walkabout with RBKC Planning Officers and Councillors. This was part of new appraisals of all the conservation areas within the Royal Borough.

We continued to monitor the lapses in water pressure and reported feedback on the Earls Court Exhibition site. Our local post office closed, but we are fortunate to have Mail Boxes close to our corner.

The committee continued to meet every three months keeping a watchful eye on planning, licencing, traffic and parking. We wrote about our events.

We honoured Sue Malcolm who died in August who was an intelligent activist and local volunteer, see page 16 and Lotti Henley our 91 year old resident who started a charity addressing excess food waste called  PlanZheroes (Heroes for Zero Waste) around her kitchen table in Wetherby Mansions. Back Page.

We announced a joint event with the Garden Square Sub-Committee on the 11th June to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday with afternoon tea.

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