Earl’s Court Square Residents’ Association presents the theme New Orleans Jazz

New Orleans was this year’s chosen theme for ECSRA’s annual autumn event. All residents of the Square were invited and it was a chance for neighbours to meet and soak up the Louisiana atmosphere. Tables were filled with creative Creole canapés, New Orleans style, accompanied by Jazz and Blues music from Jerry Shillingworth’s Disco.
Alex Tullett decorated the walls of the Bottlery restaurant across the way, with flags and fluttering’s ‘in keeping!’

On arrival one or two folks placed themselves in seated position to become ‘honey pots for neighbour gatherings.
The Bottlery hosts were very generous, with Jimmy at the helm. We are very grateful for Jimmy‘s ‘open house’ support for the community again this year as The Bottlery donated the venue and welcome drinks and their kitchen team cooked and served all the prepared Creole recipes, put together by Chrissie and Sue - who would also like to thank Helen Gibbs for preparing the delicious bacon shrimp, which was eaten up in no time, and Cilla Ware with her very young helper Minerva, who mixed the Cajun Artichoke Balls, which got lots of praise.