ABOUT – EARL’S COURT SQUARE RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION - the Executive Committee and their duties.

montage-update-27.3.25The ECSRA is very active, on behalf of all the residents of Earl’s Court Square. The Executive Committee monitors all RBKC Planning and Licencing Applications affecting Earl’s Court Square.

They consult with Members and express the views of residents on traffic and parking within Earl’s Court Square and liaise with the local police on crime prevention.

The Executive Committee also liaises with other local organisations and ensures that the Members of the ECSRA have a voice. One of our success stories has been the reduction of rubbish in our area and we have been actively liaising with RBKC who initiated “The Earl’s Court Project” to tackle this problem.

The ECSRA produces an electronic magazine twice a year, which keeps residents up to date on local issues. We hold two events annually in Earl’s Court Square Gardens: a Summer BBQ/Disco and a mulled wine and mince pies event at the Lighting of the Christmas Tree, scheduled for December each year. ECSRA also holds an annual Members' event, for Members to meet Members, in the Autumn and our AGM in February/March of each year.

The 2025 Annual Membership fees are £10 for individuals and £15 for family/households to cover expenses (such as the Lighting of the Christmas Tree and AGM which are free events for all residents). Your support for the energetic team of volunteers on the ECSRA Executive Committee, who work hard to ensure that Earl's Court Square remains a great place to live, will be much appreciated.

You can pay electronically to Metro Bank:

Account Name:  Earl's Court Square Residents' Association

Sort Code: 23-05-80

Account No: 10942594

Please use your house number as your reference and email on ecsrachairman@btinternet.com to confirm your details and how much you have paid.

For further information regarding ECSRA or Membership please contact:

Nadia Allam, Membership Secretary ecsramembers@icloud.com



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