Earl's Court Safer Neighbourhood Team
Kensington Police Station, 72-74 Earls Court Road, Kensington, London, W8 6EQ
(NB: The Kenway Road Police Hub closed in October 2020.)

Sergeant Kam Shaheen

PC Ben Hunter

PCSO Danny Wright

Contact Number: 02071618861
Earl's Court Mobile: 07843291149
Non-Emergency - dial 101
Emergency - always dial 999

PLEASE DO REPORT ANY ASB/CRIME on www.met.police.uk then choose "Crime" or email earlscourt.snt@ met.police.uk.  This will help with crime statistics in Earl's Court.  We realise it takes time but whenever ECSRA mentions how bad anti-social behaviour (ASB) is in Earl's Court to get an increased Police presence we are told that the statistics are low as lots of ASB is not officially reported.


Streetline Rubbish Collections

Monday and Thursday collection days.  Collections begin from 7am.

When you see illegally dumped bags, please help us and report them.  The Council prefers you use the online form to report the incident. https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/global/report-it/waste-and-street-environment.  This generates a case report for the resident.  This works well as the Council informs the resident directly of their investigation results.  If unable to report via the online form, call Streetline on: 020 7361 3001 or email: streeline@rbkc.gov.uk.

Too Big for the Bin (Bulky Household Waste Collection)

Up to 10 items Monday to Saturday

RBKC offers a Bulky Household Waste collection for £22.70 for up to 10 bulky items.  This service is now operating again (having been temporarily suspended) and taking bookings.  However, due to Covid-19, they can only collect bulky waste items from outside your property.  Please make sure you leave items on the pavement, outside your property on the day of your collection.  Unfortunately, RBKC cannot provide a collection service for items classified as "heavy" on the booking system at present.

Please call: 020 7361 3001 visit RBKC website: https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/bins-and-recycling/rubbish-and-recycling/bulky-household-waste-collections.

Town Hall
Hornton Street
W8 7NX
t. 020 7361 3000

RBKC Noise/Nuisance Team
Telephone on: 020 7361 3002 or you can email at: environmentalhealth@rbkc.gov.uk

Licensing Team – licencingEnf@rbkc.gov.uk


Joe Powell MP

House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA

Tel: 0207 219 6732

Email: joe.powell.mp@parliament.uk


Earl’s Court Ward Councillors

c/o The Town Hall
Hornton Street
W8 7NX

Cllr. Hamish Adourian - Cllr.Hamish.Adourian@rbkc.gov.uk
Cllr. Tim Verboven - Cllr.Tim.Verboven@rbkc.gov.uk
Cllr. Linda Wade - Cllr.Linda.Wade@rbkc.gov.uk


For those interested in the Earl's Court ward - whether as a resident, business or visitor… 
At the recent annual meeting of the RBKC Licensing committee, the issue of saturation of alcohol sales licenses and potentially others such as Special Licences in the Earl’s Court ward was discussed. 
In the last two years we have had the ASB and Shoplifting Petition, which went to our MP Felicity Buchan, and the Earl’s Court Ward Councillors Call to Action demanding changes and interventions across policing, licensing and planning to support the revival of our High Street and where we live. 
It was indicated that the subject of saturation could be considered if it was backed up by evidence. This could then be submitted to the Leadership Team and then incorporated into the Licensing Policy and then referred to, and used when applications came forward. 
Therefore, it is essential that all issues: noise nuisance, waste, ASB, drug related activity is reported, for us to make this happen. 
You can report: 
In emergencies In an emergency always call 999 or textphone 18000. 
In non-emergencies 
For non-emergency situations, you can call 101 or text phone 18001 101 https://www.met.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/ 
Please report these incidents to earlscourt.snt@met.police.uk 
Contact the Council’s Community Safety ASB team. 
The Community Safety ASB teamwork from 09:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday and all calls will be monitored during these hours. 
To report noise nuisance 
Call: 020 7361 3002 
To report litter, fly-tipping or graffiti or abandoned vehicles: 
Call: 020 7361 3001 
For licensed premises: 
Pubs, clubs, restaurants, massage parlours, nail bars and locations that sell alcohol. 
If we want to make this happen, we must provide the evidence, get the reference numbers, and in the case of alcohol sales, it is important that both Environmental Health and Licensing departments are notified. 
So, please help, so that we can make Earl’s Court a better place to live.