

Earl's Court Square lies between the southern end of Earl's Court Road and Warwick Road within the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. It became a Conservation area in 1978. Most of the properties are late Victorian white stucco fronted houses. The southern terrace is of Grade II listed 'Dutch' style houses and there are three distinct mansion blocks, Herbert Court, Langham and Wetherby. The entrance to St Cuthbert with St Matthias School, as well as that of the St Cuthbert with St Matthias Family Centre, is in the south west arm. The latter is where voting in local and national elections takes place.


There are three organisations which relate to Earl's Court Square, the Earl's Court Square Residents' Association, the Earl's Court Square Garden Management Subcommittee and the Earl's Court Society, an umbrella group of residents, residents' associations and local businesses.

The Garden is managed under the Kensington Improvement Act of 1851

Vehicular access is from Warwick Road into the south west arm by Langham Mansions, with two exits, one into Earl's Court Road and one into Warwick Road. The southern terrace is one way eastbound with the south east arm, bounded by the various Wetherby Mansions, being a cul-de-sac.

ECSRA won an RBKC award under the "Brighter Kensington Platinum Jubilee 2024" Scheme and second prize for Category 10 "Community Effort South" in addition we received a medal to go along with the Certificates. The planters have been effective in blocking cycles and motorbikes from using the pavements to access Earl's Court Road which was dangerous for pedestrians.

