The Association shall be known as “The Earl’s Court Square Residents’ Association”.

The objectives of the Association shall be:
2.1 To represent, watch over, promote and protect the mutual interests of members of the Association to the best of its ability.
2.2 To carry on the day to day business of the Association in an efficient, fair and responsive way.
2.3 To initiate and assist in movements for the betterment of conditions prevailing in Earl’ Court Square and its environs generally and for the preservation of the character of Earl’s Court Square.
2.4 To affiliate to, or act in conjunction with other Associations formed for similar objectives.
2.5 To promote the election of persons to the various local bodies and to carry on, or join in such propaganda and activities as shall be expedient, so that the interests of the members may be safeguarded.

3. The Association shall be strictly non-political and non-sectarian.

It shall work for good relations with its membership and of those it comes into contact with and not discriminate on the grounds of nationality, race, political opinion, age, faith, gender, disability or sexuality.

The area of the Association shall be defined as Earl’s Court Square and its environs, that is the Earl’s Court Square Conservation Area.

5.1 Any person over 18 years of age living within the prescribed geographic area shall be entitled to membership by paying an annual subscription of £10 (individual) or £15 (family / household) in advance.
5-2 Any member who subsequently resides outside the prescribed geographic area may be permitted to remain as a member on making written application to the Secretary, and if approved by the Executive Committee, the annual subscription to be the same as above.
5-3 New members shall be given a book of rules.

6.1 The management of the Association shall be vested in an Executive Committee appointed in accordance with these Rules, to whom all powers in carrying out the Objectives of the Association are hereby delegated.
6.2 The Executive Committee shall consist of twelve elected members with power to co-opt for the current year.
6.3 The Executive Committee shall elect its own Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer from amongst the number.
6.4 The Executive Committee shall meet at least four times during the year.
6.5 Four Executive Committee members being present shall form a quorum.
6.6 The Executive Committee may appoint such sub-committees as it deems necessary.
6.7 The Executive Committee may appoint any person to act on its behalf in any specified matter.

7.1 At the first Annual General Meeting elections shall be held for the Committee envisaged in Rule 6.
7.2 Executive Committee members are elected to serve a two-year term after which they may offer themselves for re-election.
7.3 Apart from retiring Executive Committee members offering themselves for re-election under Rule 7.2, nominations for election to the Executive Committee must be made in writing to the Secretary by a proposer and seconder, both members of the Association, not less than 15 days before the Annual General Meeting.
7.4 Nominees for election to the Executive Committee must be members of the Association.

The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid into the Association and shall keep a true and proper account of the same and shall disburse upon the authority of the Executive Committee such sums as may be necessary for the working of the Association.

At least one Auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting. Such Auditor or Auditors shall be required to examine and certify the accounts of the Association.

10.1 The first Annual General Meeting shall be held on 13 November 1974 to adopt these Rules and to consider such other matters as may be expedient.
10.2 The second Annual General Meeting shall be held within two calendar months after 31st December, 1975; thereafter Annual General Meetings shall be held within two calendar months after the 31st December each year, which shall be the end of the Association’s working year.
10.3 At each Annual General Meeting the Treasurer shall present his Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet, previously audited, and the Executive Committee shall report upon the last year’s activities.
10.4 A Special General Meeting may be convened whenever the Executive Committee so direct, or upon written requisition by more than twenty members of the Association.
10.5 The Secretary shall give 21 days notice to all members of the Association of the time, place and agenda of each Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting.                                                                                               10.6 The Executive Committee has the discretion to decide whether ECSRA Annual General Meetings (AGM), Special General Meetings (SGM), Executive Committee Meetings, Sub-Committee Meetings or Working Parties should be held face-to-face or by video-telephony (virtual).

11.1 Voting at the Annual and Special General Meetings shall be by a show of hands, or by ballot if so desired by resolutions of the meeting.
11.2 Only members of the Association shall be permitted to vote.


12.1 These rules shall not be altered except at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting.
12.2 Any proposal for alteration of these Rules must be made in writing to the Secretary of the Association not later than 28 days before the Annual or Special General Meeting at which they are to be discussed and must be undersigned by at least five members of the Association.

13.1 Any member who feels that they have not been treated fairly and equally by the Association can raise this with the Executive Committee who will respond within twenty eight (28) days.
13.2 Any complaints received about the conduct of the Association or individual members will be taken to the Executive Committee who will respond within twenty eight (28) days. The Executive Committee will only deal with complaints that relate to the activities of the Association and its members in relation to the Constitution. Executive Committee members will not deal with neighbour or inter-personal disputes.


14.1 to be proposed by the Executive Committee and approved at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting by a minimum of two-thirds of the members.
14.2 in the event of the Association being dissolved, any available funds will be transferred to an organisation(s) having an object similar to its own as chosen by the Executive Committee and approved by a minimum of two-thirds of the members present and voting.



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