

Our Magazines and Newsletters have been a source of information and musings for the Earl’s Court Square Residents’ Association (ECSRA) for over 36 years. The earliest archive newsletter is June 1988, which reports the AGM in January held at No. 21, in those days the home of the Poetry Society.

Planning and conservation have, traditionally, been central to reporting, as have licensing, rubbish, pollution, policing and local Council decisions which impact us. But social and community events are also part of brief of the Earl's Court Square Residents Association -  the BBQ in summer, the Spirit of Christmas with lighting of the Christmas Tree, a social AGM and other party style events to bring people together on special occasions.

Notable reporting, some serious and some with amusement, have graced over 60 magazine productions with their interest and importance. From sink holes to foxes, much has been reported on lobbying, recommendations and making the Square a better place to live. ‘News Roundup’ on conversions and restoration work on buildings and railings, the closing of the south east arm of the Square, the saving of the original coal hole covers, which lead to a borough wide decision to re-route traffic flow and parking arrangements. Some history and people profiles are reported too, their volunteer time and the impact they have made is interesting and informative too.

Displayed are the more recent magazines, our thanks go to John D. Wood & Co., who have kindly supported and printed our newsletters for a number of years.  Also to Judy Head who has been on board to do the layout. Committee Member Sue Lupton has the archive should anyone be interested in reading further past copies.


The working team in 2007: Sue, Judy and the late Douglas Eaton - our inspiration