Lighting the Christmas Tree


2021 has been an amazing year when the spirit of Christmas flowed around Earl’s Court Square for our annual “Lighting of the Christmas Tree” on the 12 December - a joint venture with the Garden Sub-Committee - which is also open to all our residents.

The community made a magnificent contribution of £755 to ECSRA towards funding the Santa Brass Band Quintet - who added to the festivities and put the “oompah” into our favourite Christmas carols and songs. Our thanks to Magda Zawisza and Orla Walsh (for their fundraising efforts on ECS Neighbours WhatsApp) and the many generous contributors who made this a memorable community event. Thanks also to Alan Malcolm - for making his legendary mulled wine (from a secret recipe with three gallons of fermented grape juice) Katrina Quinton - for a mountain of delicious homemade mince pies and Mariaclara Vilona for providing the children’s cookies and the many residents who joined us - making it a joyful evening to remember.