AGM February 2024
The ECSRA AGM had an attendance of some 45 residents’ along with our three Councillors. In addition, we had the two new Dedicated Ward Officers for Earl’s Court and our speaker Cllr. Cem Kemahli, the Lead Member RBKC for Planning & Public Realm, with the responsibility for Earl’s Court.
It’s the one time of the year that residents get to hear of all the work done on behalf of residents within the RA, and often beyond. For example, you will know that our Chairman Chrissie Courtney, who sits on the local Earl’s Court Safer Neighbourhood Police Ward Panel, has been pushing for some time now for more policing and the need for Public Service Protection Orders (PSPO). When the Council’s proposed PSPO restrictions are through, PC Amber Clark and PC Ben Hunter should have the wherewithal to address the anti-social behaviours and improve the quality of our life in Earl’s Court
The Executive Committee of which there are currently 11 members, voluntarily give up time to ensure the Square is a good place live in. Their responsibility is not within the gates of the garden itself, as this is the task of the ECSRA Garden Sub-Committee. It’s everything else and covers an area of around 650 households. We ‘go after’ people and places within the rubbish hot spots. This is a never-ending battle and committee member Heidi Bradner is tireless in spear-heading this aspect.
ECSRA Coordinates the annual collection of monies for the hanging baskets in the south east arm of the Square along with the upkeep of the planters at the end which 100 apartments contribute to. The planters themselves were paid for with a Council NCIL grant, which the committee bid for. Not only are they helpful for greening this arm of the Square, but they also help stop cycles and motorbikes using it as a throughfare, presenting a danger to pedestrians. Alex Tullett who has been maintaining these planters won two RBKC awards, which were on display at the meeting.
The Committee have been involved with several safety issues this past year, such as better road markings on the south side, so cars are not using the one entrance to the Square as an exit, the school having more responsible parking and new covered cycle hangars.
More activities and detailed information can be read in the Chairman’s Report, under Reports & AGM.
We were all asked to help boost our membership, with a ‘member get member’ drive to top up the coffers. ECSRA put on five events for the Square last year, some of which were shared with the Garden Sub-Committee.